Thursday, December 22, 2011

Last Christmas

Last Christmas, I gave you my heart
The very next day, you give it away
This year, to save me from tears, I'll give it to someone special

Last Christmas, I celebrated without you, cause you were too far away from me
I did a small video as the special present to surprise you
That's all I can do for you as my special one
[ ]

This year, you are just so near to me,
but why is it still seems so far or even further than last year ?

You know,


Thursday, December 15, 2011

Borneo Park

答应过的海滩篇,终于... 来了...

Jesselton Point, 那里的码头,风景很不错,就连那里的海水都很清晰,真的很期待那里的海滩会是怎么样的..

我们去了两个海滩,一个是Mamutik, 一个是Manukan . 本人比较喜欢第一个海滩,因为比较干净. 或许另一个海滩比较出名,个个人都去那里,所以肮脏了一点吧.



我们用着潜水用具潜水,不费力就能看见千万条鱼在身边游过.. 这是我的第一次,虽然只是小鱼,但是感觉真的很美妙. 原来海底世界是这样的,原来鱼的世界是这么的快乐,只是人们的无私,导致海水污染... 家园,乐园,变污园,鱼儿们真可怜 =(

在那里,也尝试了另一个海上活动,看似刺激, 原来......

哈哈,套上安全措施时,心情真的很紧张,还有点害怕, 可原来.... 就是这样... 飞上天,掉下水,冲个凉... 呆久了会有点无聊.. 不过这可是很特别的体验,我又多了个经验..



这里有Berjaya Group 的酒店,所以多数都是游客,还有很多外国人..


这一次,我又有了另一个第一次,我 Sun Burn 了!! 
去了这么多海滩,原来,我是会 Sun Burn 的.. >.<

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Yellow Bride



即兴的马六甲半日游,有着一个矮小又不听话的模特儿,扮Pro的Photographer, 贴心的助理,和新手化装师。马六甲古迹有多出名不须我多提,只不过那这个景来拍照是真的不错看。 下次再upload正式的照片,敬请期待 =)

Friday, December 9, 2011



Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Pass is a good place to visit but not a place to stay

A very nice phrase from the best buddy, Kuok-Shawn

It does impressed me and straight touch into my heart when I first read it.. I do told this to one of my good friend whom seems to be upset for quite sometimes. But when apply to myself, I found it extremely difficult to be practice.

No way !!
You got no idea how much I wish I could just stay in the past... I wish everything still remain the same ... You know how important are you to me , you know how much I.L.O.V.E.Y.O.U.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Great Love , Right Love

Yves's article :

I know from my deep heart, there's love called 'Let go'
I know very clearly, of what should I do
Just I'm too stubborn, I don't feel like doing both.

Love is so amazing that bring us joy and sadness in anyway. It does melt our heart when we see the love one scarified anything for us, do something sweet for us, cook our favourite meal or even just a simple outing or dating. It also made tears when arguement happens, things doesn't turn up as expected or lies appear.

Meeting the right person at the wrong time
Meeting the wrong person at the right time

Find your Mr. / Ms. right in these thousands, billions of peoples... Its Hard ?? I got no idea.. But when get together, have you ever imagine that it's two peoples getting together ? That so called two become one. It may be two totally different peoples whom tight up together, or opposite way that two similar people catches each others. After all, is LOVE that hold us on.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

When apologize speaks nothing at all

It's the song "It's too late to apologize"
Yeah !! Fuck yeah !!

I would say, November is just not my month ! Definitely not ! Things screwed up, hell tension on career, and you know what... Tears drop too frequent ! Why? Cause I take things too seriously perhaps.

I'm lost that I dunno where can I go
I'm sad that I got no where to go
I'm disappointed that I'm just too weak !

It's night time again, for the awkward moment like now, I hate night time til the max. Everything came attack me..
Memories tells me how sweet are we used to be, hp shows me how long can we chat for the day, Songs remind me how hurt it is, Presents reminds me of arguement, Bed refresh back the bedtime story..... Everything, contained 'YOU'

I'm just not that tough as I thought, I'm just a little girl, I'm just selfish, I'm just falling too deep into you.

Damn it !!

Monday, November 28, 2011


相隔很久很久,我现在才再提起,我答应已久的KK trip. 第一次带自己的家人,乘坐飞机去旅行。第一次,我跟我的大家庭一起去旅行,有着两个爸爸,两个妈妈,两个哥哥,两个弟弟,一个妹妹,可惜姐姐无法出席。

我们住的地方是由姐姐安排, Lavender Lodge. 类似背包旅行的住宿,厕所并不是attached在房里,但是算整洁,我们都很满意。

老板和老板娘人很好,跟我们介绍了很多当地的美食,帮我们安排了交通。还有,老板娘很喜欢我,赞我美丽,要介绍她的孩子给我?? 哈哈,可爱吧 =)





第一名!!我分不清这是什么,总之就是好吃 !!一口气吃了很多,很满足,现在很想念!

蒙古肉, 味道特别 =)

还有KL没有的树仔菜。。KK的树仔菜是吃梗,不是叶子,味道独特,口感更佳 !




很恶心 !!


美中不足,我们住的地方似鬼屋,potong steam =.=

哥儿们。。 背景是不是很美 ?



一个类似纽西兰的地方。。 背后的神山,隐隐若现,壮观!

我的兄弟,被他们疼爱,受宠若惊 =p


下次再聊,那会是海滩篇 =)

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Can you ?

Make Up

Make up is so important hur ?? It will show how respect are you towards the event or person, agree ??

Sunny Saturday ... I went for Bridal Dinner Dress photoshoot at Malacca. Thanks for Robert Tu who be my photographer, YK be the assistance and Joan be my make up artist! I do enjoy the trip til the max !

That's the different of me without the make up and with the make up on.

Big different hur ??

Will upload the proper photos soon, be patient =)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011



这个十一月,想做些什么,来证明自己其实是可以的,想要肯定自己的能力,可是怎么总是感觉缺乏了些什么... 或许是自己某方面的不顺而导致,但是在这里,我衷心感谢,

YK LOONG & JOAN TANG --- 两个一直给我能量的人, 两个一直陪在身边鼓励我的人!!

很 productive 的寻宝游戏,打 cold call 的意志力。。
在他们身上,我学会怎么去享受其中,乐于其中, 一再努力不放弃!

喜欢 Joan 的笑声,开怀大笑,无从拘束
喜欢 YK 的冷笑话,瞬间释怀,忘掉烦恼



Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Just want to think for myself
Just want to keep thing for myself
Just don't want to bother what others would comment
Just don't want to think for others

Yes !!
I just want to keep you for myself

Yes !!

Please ....................

Wednesday, November 2, 2011










Friday, September 2, 2011


Take a deep breathe
Empty my mind
Looking at the sun set

I felt extremely release by doing this. After the stressful life, I need this to relax my mind.

Everything happened for a reason. We wouldn't have enough time or chance to ask for every why, we just let it be sometimes. For things happened now, indeed, I'm too afraid to know the reason, so I skip the 'WHY'.

How I wish everything remain the same... How I wish things happen as I wish... But guess what ? You are requesting too much, Cheryl !

Thursday, September 1, 2011

No Goodbye

Speechless... My mind was empty ...

I did not feel angry at all, just I knew that wasn't only your fault, but part of mine. Surprise is that I never thought this will happen. Past memories kept popping out in my mind, and kept repeating. I don't wanna ask for reason, but I'm stubborn enough to hope for miracle again. Even though I know the result, yet still keep trying and disappoint myself every time. Oh well, I know I'm stupid.

That is me. This is me.
I sincerely treating you as whoever you deserve to be. The moment I be serious that means I'm truely sincere enough and everything, every emotions were from my deep heart. I trying hard to be strong and independent as part of the reason were to not pressure on you and afraid of losing you.

There is no price tag on every person, so I do not know how to judge the value of a person, I believe neither you can. Just to follow my heart, it says you deserve it.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Kota Kinabalu

Travel mafia ~~ haha ... I'm so pampered and enjoy it ... =D

After Bandung trip, I got another family trip to KK. Flight ticket were extremely cheap, only RM32 for 2 ways flight ! Haha, U aren't wrong, it's reli RM32 only !!

Thanks for Eric and Sunny for the kind information about KK, where should we go, where got nice food and bla bla ...
By the way, our accommodation wasn't that satisfying, back-packers style hotel and the another chalet was so geli, dirty... Kiram's Village @ Kundasang , PLEASE DO NOT STAY THERE !

The first time I travel with my big family, I got 2 mummy and 2 daddy, 2 elder brother, 1 elder sister, 2 younger brother and 1 younger sister. Wow ~~~ That's my god parents la =)

Continue next post for more photos ya ... Patient =)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Bandung is for cheap and tasty food

Apologize for the late update for Bandung trip ...
It was an awesome trip I would say, everything there were so cheap, included their food, shopping, accommodation etc.

Pictures say a thousand words, enjoy ya =)

Our apartment was clean and satisfying. Mirrows everywhere, looks grand.

The first night we had our dinner settled at Bandung's most expensive restaurant.

The view is similar to our Look out point @ Ampang.

The environment was awesome as well, windy, and just romantic enough for couple date.

We have Western food for dinner. Sorry for unprofessional photograph.

Even though it was the most expensive restaurant, but in average, each of us spent only RM60, and our meal comes with a king prawn, super worth it !

2nd day :-

The first meal of the day, simple breakfast

Then we depart to Chenyi's uni, to have a look at her uni and also her lifestyle over there.
She brought us to their usual dine place. The first meal we had ..

Their 'Bek Bek' is duck actually, the one with red hot chilli on top. Then the other 1 was chicken, and sambal kangkung. The vege is super cheap, it's only 1.20 in Malaysia Ringgit !
Rated 9/10 for this !

Then the second meal, which located just opposite the place we had our 1st meal. I forgot the name, but basically is the fried chicken putted inside their soup. Wasn't attracted by it's outlook right, but taste good thou =)
Rated 7.5/10

After the proper meal, we walk around to look for their 'junk food' or I should call it 'small food' ?

What I eating is 'Gehu' = Tauge + Toufu
Thumb up !! Spicy enough, Syok !

Batagor, the only food which I totally cant accept. Taste like smelly taufu, very geli =(

Dessert after that, Potong ice-cream

Then we proceed to the famous bridge, the most historical left over in Bandung.

Dinner time, the driver took us to a very nice restaurant, for their ikan bakar.

Rice wrapped in Pandan leaf, very nice of them =)

This is the recommended drink, Avocoffee = Avocado + coffee
Wasn't suitable for me at all, ieeuuu ~~~

Then they have chilli sauce, all kind of it ... =)

Next, we asked the driver to bring us for this fried chicken. We do surprised him as we keep ask him about nice food and he said we were really 'kuat makan'

The very famous 'Suharti Fried Chicken'. Nothing special actually, rated 6/10

Another specialty about Bandung is they were famous with Factory outlet. They have tons of it, but only 'Rumah Mode', the most fashionable and suitable for us. We paid a visit on 2nd day night and also the 3rd day morning. All in all, I only get myself 2 dresses.

The night view of it.

The day view

3rd Day :-

The day we visit to the volcano, very beautiful, weather was awesome too.

Their flea market, just located beside the volcano.

Then .... eat again !

Taufu + Chilli padi, walao !! Super the syok ! Never thought both of them can match that perfectly. Thumbsss up !
Another thing to mentioned is, it's only 20 cents for each taufu.

Mee Baso with beef balls. Simple and nice.

Night time, we had our dinner in the jungle. It's truely beyond our expectations !

The environment was amazing !

And the seat is like a pondok. Everyone got their own pondok which you can fully enjoy your meal.

This was our pondok.

Please knock the bamboo for help or call for the waitress. Cool right ?

Could you please imagine, with this kind of environment and we ordered 5 sets of meal, which included pizza, fried rice, satay, duck rice, chicken chop, and our drinks, it's just cost us RM20 per person. Cant imagine ? Then please pay a visit there, I really miss their food now, so badly .....