Monday, January 30, 2012







再来就是到朋友家拜年,赌博好像在赶场,开心就好吧 :)



好好照顾自己,我们很快会再重逢 :)




年逢【八座】吉星,对事业极为有利,若是能兢兢业业,任劳任怨地付出,事业方面必定能取得不错的成就,而对于 公职或职业经理人士而言,则会有升迁提高地位的机遇,必须好好把握。唯今年【寡宿】入宫,该星对社交人际会有所影响,事业进展顺利之余必须保持谦虚低调, 多增加上级同事之间的沟通,以免遭他人嫉妒和排斥,对事业造成阻碍。所幸又得【天解】星,即便遇上阻困,只要信心毅力不减,持之以恒,最终都可以战胜困难 取得成功。

今年财运颇佳,正财收入稳定,投资亦可获利,若要开展新的投资项目,可选择在正月、六月及十月份进行,其间财运亨通!此外要注意,今年与家人的 缘份会比较薄,由于工作比较繁忙,少与家人团聚交流,会淡薄彼此间的感情,必须注意!

健康方面一般,年犯【血刃】煞,身体容易受伤,绝对不可参与危险性的 活动,慎防引起血光之灾;小病频仍,必须注意饮食卫生,避免病从口入,多增加休息,以保持身体健康,因有吉星高照,只要小心照顾,问题不大。

属马的人进入2012年壬辰流年,恰遇此年【天德】贵人星如命,因此今年属马之人总体运势较好,得到贵人星的庇护和保佑,运势颇为理想顺利。因此在事业上 可以开创出一番新天地,大有作为。而今年欲创业的属马的人,可一展身手,与他人合作则容易得到极大的回报与成功。因有吉星拱照,财运上可谓是一本万利,财 力大有所获。不过经营获利之时,不应忘记多做善事,积德积福。但今年,属马的人因为同时遇到【吊客】与【丧门】如命中,因此一定要注意交通,否则必有意外 发生,在生意合作之时也尽量不可为他人做大资金的担保或者投资。且从事公职的上班一族在顺利发展之时,切记不宜得意忘形,让小人乘机。平日仍旧需在人际关 系以及上下级之间多做好关系的培养与维持,确保自己多方面得利,免除后顾之忧。

属马的人今年的感情运势则是顺畅和谐,两情相悦。单身贵族们则可以把握机 会,寻觅良缘。且已婚属马的人今年则是夫妻关系平稳,摩擦较少。身体方面则是容易内火虚旺,阴阳调和上多注意。












Saturday, January 14, 2012

December Momentum

Last month of year 2011, I decide to run, run as fast as I can.... I just wanna prove that I can do so... I kept the positive thinking, I told myself, I already WON in the game! Yea, I set it in my mind.

Guess what, with the high spirit of mine & my partner, we both work together and WON every week, to be the top among all of my colleagues. I feel good and happy definitely, and that was a breakthrough for me as well. Then we have a portluck celebration at Eileen's (My partner) house.

Cloud View Condo, so 'pro' the name ... yet defined exactly as this...

The night view from their balcony. Awesome isn't ?

Back to the portluck celebration, I decide to DIY sushi, for the 2 cuttiiees to play around as well.

Ryeanne & Rachel

I don't have the recipe of making sushi, I just refer to youtube, and agak-agak only lor ... Got my ingredient prepared from Tesco, carrot, crab meat, rice, and seaweed. No doubt that DIY sushi is full of fun, the 2R happily 'helping' me, but poor them, kept scold by the mummy.

Here you go, the outcome :

I will only rate 2/10 for it, sticky rice, tasteless, and ugly. Still need a lots of practice thou =)

Saturday, January 7, 2012

All About Lovin' You

I listening to Bon Jovi's songs.. With his sexy voice, I feel love, and it's so much of it!

A song named "Always".
I used not to listen to it, but today it melt my heart, not because of Bon Jovi but because of him. He used to sing and shout this song.... I always starred at him and ask him to shut up! But now, god know how much I miss it.

"Thank you for loving me" I always said I love him, but I seldom say Thank you for loving me. Thanks my love, for being my eyes when I couldn't see, for being with me whenever I need you, for giving me your full support and so on so on so on.... I can never finish it, now, I'm just too late to appreciate it.

You stay strong in my heart, do I either? Me love, "What do you got?" You got love, you got me, stay here for you forever...

Just remember....

"All about lovin' you"

Monday, January 2, 2012

VKA Corporate Shoot

It has been a while, I suppose to upload this post last year xD

VKA Wealth Planner Sdn Bhd is my current company, based at Puchong IOI Boulevard. A very nice working environment, provided with the support from our team and also the proven success system. Kindly click on the link above, and 'LIKE' our fb page. Thx ya !

Many people surprise that I went into this field, and they very concerning for the reason behind. Let me share a little bit here, I choose this career is for long term purposes.
1) This business can give me passive income, which mean even if I'm not working, there's still income for me on monthly basis.
2) By figure out my ideal income, this is the business that can fulfill my ideal income.
3) What car I want to drive? What house I want to live? How long I aim to achieve it?
4) This business is about team work as well, work hard with your team, you may get even higher income.
5) There's already a proven success system, simply follow that, success is just next door to you.

Basically, why I said it's for long term, is just because through this platform, ur income will grow bigger and bigger, you can achieve what you want if you work hard on it.

I practice a lots of visualization, to visualize who will I become in 5 years time, how's my lifestyle will be, and what kind of income I'm earning in 5 years time, 10 years time or even longer, then what can I do for my family, what can I do for myself ... Yea, no doubt, this is all money money $$$$, but aren't you work hard just for money as well?
Friends, plan for your future, be specific on what you want to achieve and when you would like it to be.

I do enjoy working with these bunch of colleagues, and our average age is just 25 years old. Youngsters mix around, with the fighting spirit, we supporting each other and work happily together.

Sunday, January 1, 2012



我。。。 不愿意。。
